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Donald Trump
CNN responds to Donald Trump after ‘fake news’ claims
Donald Trump defends Roy Moore, Stephen Colbert responds
Donald Trump ‘returns’ to Colbert’s Late Show in new fake interview
Stephen Colbert monologue tears apart Trump tax plan
Eminem resurfaces to destroy Donald Trump in new rap
Donald Trump throws tantrum about late night TV on Twitter
John Oliver destroys Donald Trump over Colin Kaepernick rant
Ellen DeGeneres explains why she’ll never invite Donald Trump
Stephen Colbert responds to Donald Trump Emmy tantrum
Donald Trump throws Twitter tantrum over ‘worst ever’ Emmys
Trevor Noah slams Donald Trump for ‘folding’ to Democrats
Robert Mueller raises the heat on Donald Trump (as does Seth Meyers)
Steve Bannon talks ‘Billy Bush Weekend’, comedians respond
Bernie Sanders struggles to say something nice about Donald Trump
Kathy Griffin takes back apology over bloody Donald Trump head
Ann Coulter turns on Donald Trump, calls him out on Twitter
Bill Maher: Trump needs all unwritten rules written out just for him
Alec Baldwin mocks Donald Trump in new Weekend Update skit
Bill Maher takes down Teleprompter Trump in Real Time monologue
Leslie Jones reveals SNL cast loves making Donald Trump mad
Stephen Colbert monologue talks CEOs turning on Donald Trump
Bill Maher talks Donald Trump’s new low in Real Time monologue
Wrestling fans demand WWE remove Donald Trump from Hall of Fame
Stephen Colbert mocks Donald Trump over his ‘smile file’ reports
Colbert polls audience on if he’d do better than Donald Trump
Stephen Colbert exposes humiliating Trump calls to Mexico
Dave Chappelle on if he still feels Donald Trump deserves a ‘chance’
Cartoon Donald Trump reads actual Donald Trump quotes