Late Show

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Stephen Colbert discusses the many affairs of Donald Trump

Jeremy Dick

Stephen Colbert responds to Robert Mueller’s new indictments

Stephen Colbert is very impressed with Parkland shooting survivors

Justin Theroux bails on Colbert after breakup with Jennifer Aniston

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Timon to Timon: Nathan Lane passes the torch to Billy Eichner

Jeremy Dick

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Watch Liam Neeson audition to be Cupid on The Late Show

Jeremy Dick

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Stephen Colbert and John Oliver invade each other’s personal space

Jeremy Dick

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Stephen Colbert is shocked to learn he agrees with George W. Bush

Jeremy Dick
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Stephen Colbert plays ‘Dictator Bingo’ with Donald Trump

Jeremy Dick
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Stephen Colbert mocks ‘chicken’ Donald Trump with KFC bucket

Jeremy Dick
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Stephen Colbert responds to Donald Trump’s State of the Union

Jeremy Dick

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Stephen Colbert conducts new (fake) interview with Donald Trump

Jeremy Dick

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Stephen Colbert blasts Fox News over botched Trump coverage

Jeremy Dick

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Stephen Colbert responds to This is Us death by Crock-Pot scene

Jeremy Dick
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Stephen Colbert responds to Trump obstructing even more justice

Jeremy Dick
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Stephen Colbert: Donald Trump gets ‘back to work’ by tweeting

Jeremy Dick
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Oscars 2018: Stephen Colbert doesn’t know what to be mad about

Jeremy Dick

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Stephen Colbert mocks Jeff Sessions with Keebler Elf cookie

Jeremy Dick

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Colbert laughs at Donald Trump skipping his own anniversary party

Jeremy Dick

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Stephen Colbert explains the ins and outs of government shutdown

Jeremy Dick
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Stephen Colbert reviews Donald Trump’s first year as president

Jeremy Dick
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Stephen Colbert: Donald Trump’s ‘Fake News Awards’ is fake news

Jeremy Dick
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Stephen Colbert isn’t buying Donald Trump being ‘perfectly healthy’

Jeremy Dick

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Stephen Colbert reveals Donald Trump is one pound shy of obesity

Jeremy Dick

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Colbert argues Sarah Huckabee Sanders over Donald Trump’s racism

Jeremy Dick

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Stephen Colbert shreds Donald Trump over ‘Sh-thole Gate’

Jeremy Dick
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Stephen Colbert laughs at people buying wrong Fire and Fury book

Jeremy Dick
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Stephen Colbert reveals how little actual work Donald Trump does

Jeremy Dick