The Daily Show with Trevor Noah reminded everyone that President Barack Obama wasn’t without scandal while in office.
Watching late night television these days, it can seem like the current president is wrapped up in one scandal after another. Viewers could think that President Donald Trump is the most controversial president in recent memory. But as The Daily Show reminded us, President Barack Obama wasn’t immune to scandal.
It is easy to look back now and think that Barack Obama was the perfect president. He was certainly popular and brought a new level of engagement to U.S. politics. But was Obama an ideal president or does it just appear that way compared to the current leadership?
Some have argued that similar thing has occurred with President George W. Bush. Whether it is appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live! or sharing a nice moment with Michelle Obama, public opinion on Bush seems to have improved since he left office. But others are quick to point out the former president’s record.
So could we be forgetting all about President Barack Obama’s scandals? Thankfully the good people at The Daily Show aren’t ready to let that happen. Yes, they may go after President Trump time and time again. But in the name of fair and balanced, they kept fresh the memory of a major Obama scandal.
Not until First Lady Melania Trump’s wardrobe miscues had the White House been rocked by such scandalous attire. A clear lack of respect for the office of the president was demonstrated by Obama in that tan suit. Whether this will tarnish his legacy remains to be seen but it will certainly not go unnoticed by history books.
All kidding aside, it is bizarre to look back at the reaction to Obama’s choice of suit color. The exaggerations made about what it meant or the motive behind it are a bit mind boggling. Obama was not a perfect president but his fashion sense should factor in to any equation.
It can be easy to play the “what about” or “if Obama or Hillary had done this” game whenever something controversial comes up with President Trump. But it is ultimately a useless exercise. Because when those in the highest levels of government are hypocritical, how can we expect cable news hosts to have higher standards?
This clip from The Daily Show is a nice little trip down memory lane. Yes, it shows how quickly the standards have changed for some commentators on television but that shouldn’t be anything new. It’s something the Daily Show has been pointing out for years and won’t change. It makes for great late night television content, so we’re not complaining.