John Oliver celebrated the season finale of Last Week Tonight by debuting a trailer for another movie starring his collection of wax presidents and a very famous jock strap.
Another fantastic season of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver came to a close this week. The fifth season experienced more of the high ratings and YouTube videos that have made the show such a huge success for HBO. The show will likely be defending its streak of three consecutive Emmy Awards for variety talk series.
Oliver traditionally enjoys reflecting on the past season come time for the finale. This year was no different. And to help celebrate the end, Oliver honored another of Last Week‘s traditions: wasting money.
Frequent views of the show surely recall how Oliver and the rest splurged on a very unique auction item a couple years ago. The wax president figures Oliver purchased have been put to good use in the past.
Not surprisingly, Oliver and the writers at Last Week. struggled to come up with anything else to do with the wax figures other than the Warren G. Harding biopic. Thankfully another curious, yet hilarious, purchase helped provide some more inspiration.
Another auction gave Oliver the chance to purchase the jockstrap worn by Russell Crowe in the film Cinderella Man. . Oliver then donated it to one of the last existing Blockbuster stores in Alaska. Putting those two purchases together gives us what could very well be the biggest film of the holiday season:
It’s nice to see that Russell Crowe continues to have a good sense of humor about the situation. He nearly sent John Oliver into retirement after his initial response to the jockstrap purchase.
The way that the actual Fast and Furious franchise is expanding, is it really that far of the question to expect a crossover between Armie Hammer’s crew and that of Vin Diesel? The possibilities are endless if you can get a wax Richard Nixon on screen with Dwayne Johnson.