Is Last Week Tonight on tonight, June 11th, 2017?

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Will John Oliver be back with a new episode of Last Week Tonight on HBO tonight, June 11th, 2017? The fine folks here at Last Night On have the answer!

It’s another Sunday, and if you’re on this website, you have one burning question you need answered. Will our beloved John Oliver be back on HBO tonight with an all new episode of Last Week Tonight?

I’ve got good news for you. The answer is YES! John Oliver will be back on at his usual time tonight on HBO!

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This will be the 104th episode overall for the HBO series, which is now in its fourth season. We’ve still got several episodes left to go before the break, however, so just know that Oliver isn’t through just yet.

Last week, Oliver took aim at the “egomaniac” Donald Trump, and his baffling decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord. This makes the United States of America just one of only three countries in the world to do so, the others being Syria and Nicaragua.

We can certainly expect Oliver to keep the heat up this week, though it’s unclear what exactly he’ll focus on in tonight’s episode. We’re just going to have to tune in to HBO tonight to find out!

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So John Oliver will be back tonight when a new episode of Last Week Tonight premieres on HBO at 11:00 p.m. EST.