A Closer Look at the impeachment debate from Seth Meyers

Seth Meyers (Photo by: Lloyd Bishop/NBC)
Seth Meyers (Photo by: Lloyd Bishop/NBC)

Late Night with Seth Meyers took a closer look at Democrats’ debate over impeachment proceedings as Elizabeth Warren continued to move up the polls.

One way or another, President Donald Trump’s days in office could be numbered. At least that is the perception from Late Night with Seth Meyers. Wednesday night’s show used “A Closer Look” to talk impeachment and Senator Elizabeth Warren’s chances in 2020.

Impeachment has been a frequent topic for “A Closer Look.” It seems like after every news story breaks suggesting corruption within the administration, the discussion heats up and ultimately fizzles out.

The debate over impeachment has often been tied to the 2020 election and any potential risk in sabotaging a Democratic candidate’s chances. But polls routinely suggest that the top Democrats would defeat President Trump in the election.

One of those candidates with a strong chance of defeating Trump is Senator Elizabeth Warren. Warren’s surge in the polls and the impeachment debate gave Seth Meyers a lot to look at on Late Night.

Meyers starts off by calling out pundits who claimed that Warren “missed her moment” by not running in 2016. A similar cliche has been applied to former Vice President Joe Biden. But if 2016 taught us anything, it’s that there is no such thing as someone’s “moment” and predicting an election outcome is harder than ever.

The segment then highlights how Warren’s anti-corruption platform seems to be resonating with voters. It has led to her surging up the polls as so many news anchors and pundits put it. Warren’s argument that Trump is the byproduct of a government already in trouble leads Meyers into the impeachment debate.

The findings of the Mueller report and the ways in which Trump has enriched himself while in office have been covered time and time again by Late Night. The latest reason why Meyers supports impeachment is Trump’s stance on a conflict with Iran in defense of Saudi Arabia.

Meyers says that more Democrats are coming around to his side of the argument. But the lack of any real action comes from concerns over a failed impeachment. So the plan, as of now, seems to be wait for the 2020 election and hope Elizabeth Warren or any other Democrat defeats Trump.

Americans know not to put too much stock into polls especially this far out from the actual election. But if Elizabeth Warren continues to gain support for her anti-corruption platform, then more people will join Seth Meyers in taking a closer look at the Trump White House.