Late Night with Seth Meyers took a closer look at the multiple investigations that have come from President Donald Trump’s doctored hurricane map.
We told you this story wasn’t going away. Once again, President Donald Trump has given Late Night with Seth Meyers a reason to talk about Hurricane Dorian, Alabama, and Sharpies.
It has been a long time since the story began with President Trump sending an incorrect tweet about Dorian’s path. He doubled down on it despite being corrected by the National Weather Service. Then he tripled down on it by showing everyone a map that was clearly altered with a Sharpie, Trump’s writing utensil of choice.
More tweets from the President kept the story alive. Then more digging went into the aftermath of Trump trying to save face. It was reported that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was told not to correct Trump and people could lose their jobs over it.
Seth Meyers has made it clear that he and the rest of Late Night do not want to talk about this story anymore. But if Trump can’t let it go, neither can Meyers. And now with the fallout from Trump’s Sharpie scandal widening, it was time for “A Closer Look.”
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross delivering threats to NOAA gave Meyers the opening to looks at the list of allegations and criticisms against Ross. And they’re not great. Ross also opened himself up to scrutiny from political opponents.
Meyers then reveals that acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney was the one directing Ross to make the threats, according to a New York Times report. Even after covering every Trump scandal and controversy, Meyers still seems genuinely surprised things went this far just so the President didn’t have to admit to a mistake.
It has all resulted in multiple investigations and inquiries. What started as one man making a mistake has now spiraled and involved multiple government officials and multiple government agencies.
Seth Meyers has been calling for Trump’s impeachment for some time now. For the comedian, Trump being brought down by his own Sharpie would be the perfect way to end the story. If Stormy Daniels couldn’t stop Trump then maybe it will be stormy weather that does it.