Bill Maher has a New Rule we can all relate to: ‘F**k fees!’

via HBO
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Bill  Maher tends to divide people sometimes with some of the things he says, but last night’s New Rule on Real Time is something all of us can agree with.

“And finally, New Rule!” Maher said last night, before saying aloud something so many of us have at least thought to ourselves at one point or another: “F**k fees!”

After a raucous applause from the crowd, Maher laments how the American business model has devolved into “tricking the consumer who doesn’t read the fine print.” He goes through a seemingly never-ending list of all the fees companies like to throw on people. Maher points out that even his credit card has a “maintenance fee” — as if someone from the bank comes and cleans his card once a month.

The Real Time host moves on to some of the other shady tactics companies use to stick it to consumers. Cell phone contracts are “longer than Stephen King novels.” Almost a third of gift card recipients never even use them. Gym owners love to lock in people with new year’s resolutions.

Perhaps some of the greediest ones of them all are the people from Payday Loans. Maher shows how the low end percentage of interest they charge is around 124%. Meanwhile, in places like South Dakota, they will charge around 574%! It all amounts to what Maher is coining as “fee f**king the consumer.” But nobody seems to grind Maher’s gears more than the airlines…

You can watch Maher say it best in the video below.

Next: Bill Maher slams Trump over hurricane response, DACA

Real Time with Bill Maher airs Friday nights at 10 PM EST on HBO.