Tomi Lahren to appear on Real Time with Bill Maher this Friday

Credit: Comedy Central/Daily Show
Credit: Comedy Central/Daily Show

The Blaze host Tomi Lahren will visit Bill Maher’s HBO show “Real Time” on February 3rd.

At the end of the most recent episode of Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday, it was revealed that Tomi Lahren, who hosts a self-titled show on The Blaze, will appear on the HBO program for the first time this week. Clips of the conservative pundit consistently go viral on Facebook, but she was thrust into the mainstream after The Daily Show host Trevor Noah mocked her constant outrage in a September segment, resulting in a 26-minute interview on the Comedy Central series late last year where the two squared off on such topics as race, the national anthem protests and Black Lives Matter, which Lahren had previously likened to the KKK.

While the conversation turned combative at times, the pair seemed to have ended things on good terms, and they were even spotted by TMZ having drinks together at a NYC bar later that week. The Daily Show appearance is likely to have led to her booking on Real Time. Lahren’s desire to appear on TV with Maher dates back to 2015 when she invited him to “get ‘real’ with me.”

As her tweet points out, there are some areas of agreement between the two, such as the dangers of radical Islam and the political correctness found on the left, which was the topic of Maher’s most recent “New Rules” segment, where he urged Hollywood liberals to stop apologizing for minor offenses, blaming them in part for the election of Donald Trump.

The episode aired before the president’s controversial travel ban that was put into place Saturday, sparking protests and outrage across the country and the world. Maher, however, has alluded to his opposition, tweeting today:

Friday’s episode will also feature Leah Remini, Jason Kander and Michael Eric Dyson. The Daily Beast’s Matt Wilstein confirmed that Lahren will serve as a panelist, prompting the following response:

Next: Did Bill Maher shade Jimmy Fallon over that Donald Trump interview?

Real Time with Bill Maher airs Fridays at 10 p.m. on HBO.