30 most scorching Jon Stewart takedowns of Republicans

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When it comes to the world of politics, nobody dishes it out to the Republican party any harder than the former host of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart. Here are 30 of the best takedowns Stewart has given to the party presently led by Donald Trump.

If there’s one person Republicans hate more than Barack Obama, it would be Jon Stewart.

From 1999 to 2015, Stewart served as the host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, and his satire, known for never pulling any punches, earned the show 22 Primetime Emmy Awards. While sometimes taking the Democratic party to task over certain issues, it was always the Republicans who’d take the majority of his burns.

With such a long tenure on the show, you won’t find a shortage of clever attacks Stewart has taken against the political party he opposes. He’s obviously someone who very much enjoys taking them to task, while many other journalists are far too afraid to ruffle any political feathers. So I thought I’d look back through his career on television and pluck out 30 of his most vicious insults.

So let’s go through this list and remember how heartbroken so many of us were when Stewart announced he was stepping down as the host of The Daily Show

Next: 30. John McCain's flip flopping