A recent parody video of Bill Maher and his HBO show, Real Time is surfacing online. Viewers have labelled the recent work by Aamon Animations as “terrifying”.
Amon Animations is known for it’s horror style parody videos of popular political figures, in the past, mocking commentators such as Jordan Peterson and Donald Trump. The animator’s latest piece presented a 7 minute parody of Bill Maher’s Real Time show, depicting the comedian’s audience as possessed zombies, and the host growing rapidly frail throughout the monologue.
Viewers are already reacting in shock, with one user admitting they felt “fear” and “disdain” whilst watching.
Clearly, the animation is a light parody. The YouTube channel often uses subtle political references to make wider arguments on the current political sphere of the country.
This video in particular sees Maher depicted as an out of touch aging commentator, failing to grasp the new political landscape of the young generation, using his platform to reiterate the ever-prominent thoughts of a “boomer”.
Perhaps the most chilling aspect sees Maher’s audience slowly forming into villainous zombies as the host comments on gender ideology and the sex life of the United States.
Another wrote in reaction on Twitter to the animator’s latest upload: “Aamon’s videos are always a treat. His warped rendering of reality is truly a work of art.”
Bill Maher has recently found himself in somewhat of an ongoing controversy, with long-time viewers of Real Time accusing the host of pandering to Conservative talking points, and loosing touch with modern leftist ideology. Just last month, calls were made for the comedian to resign over comments on the LGBT+ movement made on the show.
DId this animation freak you out as much as it did for us? Give your reaction in the comments section below.