WATCH: Top 5 most heated moments on Real Time with Bill Maher

Bill Maher
Bill Maher

Real Time with Bill Maher has had it’s fair share of viral riotous moments over the years. We rank our Top 5 favourites as the show returns tonight.

Piers Morgan & Jim Jeffries

We’re not certain on who made the call on placing Piers Morgan and Jim Jeffries on the same panel but it sure provided the entertainment factor. During a heated conversation about Donald Trump’s term in the White House, Morgan took issue with Maher’s claim that Clinton was a superior alternative for office. The British broadcaster fought against the panel’s claims that Trump had successfully initiated a “Muslim ban” to which Jeffries told Morgan to “(F) off”. The two then engaged in a fiery debate, which Maher attempted to break up.

Milo creates chaos

Far-right commentator, Milo Yiannopoulos was invited onto Real Time back in 2017. After making a number of controversial statements on the show and calling it’s guests “awful people”, the panel lashed out in their criticism. Both Jack Kingston and Malcolm Nance swore at Milo Yiannopoulos for his insulting comments towards the panel before Maher brought the discussion to an end. We don’t want to jinx it, but we can be sure won’t see this group of panellists finding themselves together on Real Time in the near future.

Maher v Kellyanne Conway

Bill Maher’s discussion with Trump’s former campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway was a bitter political faceoff. Shortly before the 2020 presidential election, the HBO host did not hold back in his criticism of Trump during the discussion, calling the former President’s voter base “stupid”.

Maher continued, questioning the legacy in which Conway had created for herself, choosing to represent Donald Trump. And, whilst the two left on somewhat of a civil note, the political conflict between the two was clearly alive and well.

Ben Shapiro faces Malcolm Nance

Whilst on the topic of critical race theory, Ben Shapiro and Malcolm Nance engaged in a viral political spat on Real Time as things turned personal. The two spent several minutes debating the theory’s importance in modern society shortly before Shapiro accused Nance of lying.

Things took a turn rather quickly during the interview after Malcolm told Shapiro his show “sucks”. Shapiro was quick to fire back, telling Nance: “I will comfort myself tonight by sleeping in my bed made of money”.


Ben Affleck debates Sam Harris

Ben Affleck’s appearance on Real Time back in 2014 sure made headlines and still remains one of the most viral segments in the show’s history.

Affleck was highly critical of Maher and Harris for their takes on radical Islam. The three engaged in a long heated discussion over the matter, truly defining the brilliance of Real Time’s political entertainment.