Stephen Colbert debunks Michael Flynn’s COVID vaccine conspiracy theory

Former General Michael Flynn (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)
Former General Michael Flynn (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

18 months into the pandemic, the spread of disinformation remains a problem. Experts point out conspiracy theories as one reason why vaccination levels aren’t at ideal levels. Stephen Colbert did his part to fight back on the part of truth in his monologue on Thursday night. Specifically, Colbert targeted a theory pushed by former National Security Adviser General Michael Flynn.

Flynn was one of the many characters who rose to prominence during President Donald Trump’s administration. He first had to retroactively register as a foreign agent thanks to lobbying on the part of the Turkish government. Then, he resigned after it was revealed he wasn’t forthright about his communications with a Russian ambassador. Flynn was later convicted on charges of lying to the FBI as part of the Mueller investigation. However, he received a pardon from President Trump.

Since then, Flynn has made headlines for his connections to QAnon. In multiple interview appearances, Flynn spread conspiracy theories about the election and the pandemic.

Now, Flynn has the attention of Stephen Colbert. The Late Show host’s “Disinformation Station” segment zeroed in on Flynn on Thursday night:

Stephen Colbert mocks Michael Flynn’s salad dressing COVID conspiracy

Stephen Colbert wasted no time diving right into the deep end of COVID conspiracies. He played a clip of Michael Flynn claiming to read something about how the COVID vaccine was secretly being added to salads and salad dressing.

Flynn’s question “have you seen this?” received a resounding “nope” from Colbert. The late-night comedian joked that it’s because he doesn’t subscribe to “Somebody Sent Me a Thing” magazine.

The salad dressing theory reminds Colbert that Flynn used to be the national security advisor. He can’t quite wrap his head around the fall from that key position to discussing salad dressing conspiracy theories on a podcast.

And when Colbert did decide to engage with the theory, he had no trouble poking holes in it. If the government wants to sneak the vaccine into Americans’ diets, then salad is not the way to go. Colbert jokes that putting the vaccine in pizza crust would be far more effective than what Michael Flynn heard.

What did you think of Stephen Colbert’s monologue? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.