Is Real Time with Bill Maher new tonight, July 2?

Bill Maher (Photo by John Shearer/Getty Images)
Bill Maher (Photo by John Shearer/Getty Images)

It’s Friday and we’re heading into the 4th of July holiday weekend. What does that mean for Real Time with Bill Maher?

The holiday may celebrate all things America, but Maher hasn’t been as festive this season. He’s dedicated multiple segments to calling out everything from the country’s drinking problem to its obsession with “wokeness.”

So with that in mind, maybe now is a good time for a break. There will not be a new episode of Real Time with Bill Maher tonight.

According to the HBO late night show’s official Twitter accountReal Time is taking an extended break. Expect the show to return on July 30.

Catch up with the best of Real Time with Bill Maher season 19

It will be quite a while before fans get to hear Bill Maher’s take on the news. Considering how fast and furious headlines roll through the news cycle, it’s no stretch to imagine Real Time will miss out on some big stories.

In the meantime, there are plenty of highlights from season 19 worth revisiting. Check out the links below to past Real Time moments:

If you’re looking for another segment, monologue, or interview, you can check out the show’s official YouTube channel. HBO Max subscribers can also watch past episodes of Real Time with Bill Maher.

What has been your favorite moment or idea from Bill Maher so far this season? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.