It was another historic week in the United States and one that lent itself to a lot of debate and discussion. But no debate is complete until we hear from Real Time with Bill Maher.
Former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial got underway as Democrats laid out their case for charging him with inciting an insurrection. After a rocky start, President Trump’s lawyers did their best to question the constitutionality of the trial while shifting blame away from their client.
Expect Bill Maher to jump right into the thick of things tonight. There is a brand new episode of Real Time with Bill Maher tonight.
Last week, Maher shared his thoughts on what he considers the real root of the Capitol insurrection. We’ll see if that opinion has changed or evolved after new evidence was produced during the trial. Then it will be on to the guest portion of Real Time.
Who’s on Real Time with Bill Maher tonight?
Bill Maher’s first guest tonight is one of former President Trump’s biggest critics in the Republican Party. Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois will make his Real Time debut.
Rep. Kinzinger has not been shy about condemning President Trump. He supported impeachment and has called out his own party for staying loyal to the former president. Also, he recently launched the Country First PAC designed to reform the GOP. Expect Maher to question Rep. Kinzinger on the future of the Republican Party and how long the Trump influence will last.
Both Real Time panel guests should be familiar to viewers. The impeachment trial should be the main focus of the discussion.
Markos Moulitsas is a blogger and founder of “The Daily Kos” blog. He can also be heard on the podcast “The Brief.” Expect him to lay into Republicans for refusing to hold President Trump accountable.
Steve Schmidt is an analyst for MSNBC and a co-founder of The Lincoln Project. He should provide some insight on Republicans leaving the party and trying to find a new direction separate from Trumpism.
Real Time with Bill Maher airs tonight at 10:00 P.M. E.T. on HBO and on HBO Max. Be sure to check back with Last Night On for all the highlights.