Stephen Colbert responds to Steve Bannon’s wall scam using his name

Stephen Colbert (Photo by Lars Niki/Getty Images for 2019 Montclair Film Festival )
Stephen Colbert (Photo by Lars Niki/Getty Images for 2019 Montclair Film Festival ) /

Stephen Colbert reacted to Steve Bannon’s We Build the Wall using his name for fundraising

President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon and colleagues allegedly defrauded thousands of people via the We Build the Wall fundraising scam. As it turns out, some of those funds were raised with help from Stephen Colbert.

Bannon was arrested along with We Build the Wall leader Brian Kolfage for allegedly using money raised to construct a southern border wall for personal expenses and luxury items. It was the latest scandal involving a high-ranking former member of the Trump administration and brought renewed attention to the infamous border wall.

As expected, late-night television hosts celebrated the bad news for Bannon. The former chief strategist has been portrayed as a villain from Team Trump since the beginning. Late Night with Seth Meyers made sure to take “A Closer Look” at Bannon and his wall scamLast Week Tonight with John Oliver followed that up with an in-depth discussion on what is happening at the southern border.

But no late-night host is as involved in We Build the Wall as Stephen Colbert as fans found out last night on The Late Show. The comedian shared the news that his image and jokes were used to solicit donations for the fund. On Thursday night, Colbert responded to Bannon and Kolfage:

Stephen Colbert and the rest of late-night continue to get under the skin of Team Trump

Ridiculing, mocking, and fact-checking President Donald Trump night after night has put Stephen Colbert and his fellow late-night hosts on the list of enemies for the president’s supporters. Check any social media platform and you’ll see countless attacks on the comedians for any negative coverage of President Trump or his allies.

Colbert understands this comes with the territory so he’s not surprised to see Steve Bannon and Brian Kolfage use his image to drum up support for We Build the Wall. But if you’re going to pick a fight with a late-night host, it’s best not to end up charged with fraud and give the professional comedian more ammunition.

These attempts to get one-up on late-night shows starts at the top with President Trump. In recent weeks, he’s attacked Real Time with Bill Maher and revealed that he’s at least a casual viewer of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

There are countless other examples of Team Trump going up against late-night from Donald Trump, Jr. going back-and-forth with Jimmy Kimmel to Ted Cruz trying to outsmart Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. And in just about every case, it winds up with the comedian coming out on top.

So now we can add We Build the Wall trying to use The Late Show to raise money for a border wall that was allegedly used as a front to buy a boat, pay off credit card debt, and more. While Steve Bannon and Brian Kofage will face a judge, Stephen Colbert will continue to be sitting comfortably at his desk on The Late Show.

Related Story. President Trump reviews Colbert and the rest of late-night. light

What did you think of Stephen Colbert’s response to We Build the Wall? Let us know in the comment section. Keep checking Last Night On for more from The Late Show and the rest of late-night television.