Seth Meyers took A Closer Look at President Donald Trump’s new favorite doctor
If you use social media enough, chances are you’ve shared something that wasn’t quite accurate. It happens. But to send out false information to 84 million followers? And then double-down on it? Well, that puts President Donald Trump in a category all by himself. Seth Meyers explained in “A Closer Look.”
President Trump is known to go on a retweeting streak that can put some questionable content on his feed. Conspiracy theories, videos with racist language, and bots have all ended up being amplified by the president’s Twitter account.
Things went to a new level when President Trump shared a video from a group of doctors suggesting that masks are ineffective against the spread of COVID-19 and that hydroxychloroquine was a proven cure.
One of those doctors was Stella Immanuel, who has warned against alien DNA used in medicine and the dangers of “demon sperm” in the past. When questioned about Immanuel, President Trump sidestepped the issue and noted that he liked what Immanuel had to say about hydroxychloroquine.
Seth Meyers called the video “unhinged” on Wednesday’s Late Night. He dedicated “A Closer Look” to President Trump and his allies deciding to support the video even after Immanuel’s conspiracy theories were exposed.
A Closer Look criticized the right for amplifying coronavirus conspiracy theories
Seth Meyers has had a lot to say about Republicans, the conservative movement, and right-wing media outlets during the pandemic. As you could guess, none of it has been good. Meyers and Late Night have used “A Closer Look” to condemn the GOP for supporting President Trump’s failed response, argue against the push to reopen the economy against the advice of medical experts, and the coverage of questionable theories on COVID-19’s origins, spread, and treatment.
The attention given to hydroxychloroquine, due mostly to President Trump’s frequent references, has been exhausting for Meyers. The Late Night host would love if the antimalarial drug was an effective treatment but that simply is not the case. Yet that hasn’t stopped the president or his allies from pushing that narrative, even if it means giving someone like Stella Immanuel a platform.
“A Closer Look” argues that President Trump and his supporters are desperate to find a miracle cure for COVID-19 that will let them move on. If Meyers wasn’t angry enough already over the White House’s failed response to the pandemic, the dangers of spreading videos like the one shared by President Trump and his son should do it.
What did you think of this installment of “A Closer Look”? Share your thoughts in the comment section. Keep checking Last Night On for more from Late Night with Seth Meyers and the rest of late night television.