3. A Closer Look at President Trump on Twitter and Fox News
No collection of “A Closer Look” segments would be complete without one that focused on President Donald Trump’s Twitter feed. The president’s social media use has caused more problems for the White House than it has helped. However, it has been a tremendous help for late night television shows in building content to mock President Trump.
And just for good measure, this installment of “A Closer Look” from May also examines the relationship between the current administration and Fox News. Seth Meyers now refers to Fox as “state television” for its role in supporting President Trump and some of his more misleading claims.
Again Late Night fans see Meyers pushing back against the president’s claim that the novel coronavirus would just “go away.” Now that we are in July and cases are spiking in many states, it’s clear to see that Late Night was much more realistic about the situation than the White House.
We are now seeing more of these statements by President Trump from March, April, and May being used against him in campaign advertisements. But as “A Closer Look” proved, we didn’t need to wait until July to realize that President Trump was overwhelmed by the crisis.