Seth Meyers takes a closer look at Trump’s Easter plan for America

President Donald Trump (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Seth Meyers questioned why President Donald Trump seems to care more about the stock market than public health.

Efforts to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus have tested Americans’ patience but only to serve the greater good. Yet President Donald Trump’s eagerness to “reopen” the country has some, including Seth Meyers, questioning his motivations.

Late Night is on hiatus, doing its part to flatten the curve and practice social distancing. But Seth Meyers returned this week to deliver a segment of “A Closer Look” from his home. He joined other late night talk shows hosts who have been producing content at home and sending it out to fans hungry for laughs or a sense of normalcy.

When things will actually get back to normal is uncertain. Experts are remaining cautious but realistic in detailing how long quarantining and social distancing need to be in place to be effective.

That approach doesn’t seem to sit well with President Trump. He has expressed his concern over the economy and his desire to get things back up and running by Easter on April 12. Meyers had a few thoughts on this timeline and much more in the latest “A Closer Look” from home.

Meyers may not be at the Late Night studios but he isn’t any less ruthless in his takedown of President Trump. Right out of the gates, Meyers calls the president a conman and self-centered–two things you do not want in a leader during a worldwide crisis.

Instead, Meyers encourages his audience to listen to experts. Ideally, the president would listen as well but Meyers shows how that is unrealistic given how the White House has approached COVID-19 from the start.

But President Trump is focused on the stock market and Meyers is not going to let that go unchecked. The comedian quickly dismantles President Trump’s plan to have the country reopen by Easter in time to fill up churches and get Americans back out in public.

Meyers, echoing Jimmy Kimmel’s shock, highlights conservative pundits and politicians who seem willing to risk the health and safety of others to preserve the stock market. He once again points out how this contradicts Dr. Anthony Fauci and other experts who are more concerned about saving lives than anything else.

For anyone looking for a voice of reason, Seth Meyers has always been a safe option. “A Closer Look” can be cathartic and reassure viewers that sane voices still exist, even if it is packaged in the form of jokes from a late night television show.

It looks like for now Late Night‘s plan is to periodically release content like “A Closer Look” and other popular segments. Clearly Seth Meyers and company are thinking about the people by making them laugh when it’s needed the most.  For more information about COVID-19, visit the CDC’s website or the website for your state’s Department of Health.