Stephen Colbert called out two Republican senators after they pledged not to remove President Donald Trump from office.
An impeachment trial in the Senate is a foregone conclusion at this point. That means that the fate of President Donald Trump will be in the hands of some of his fiercest opponents and supporters. Two of those allies, Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham, have already drawn criticism before the trial has begun. Not surprisingly, it is Stephen Colbert leading the charge.
Senator Graham stated that he has no intention of being an impartial juror in an impeachment trial. Senator McConnell has made it clear that he supports President Trump. And while the two senators have suggested that their loyalty to the rule of law and the Constitution is their motivation, Stephen Colbert called it out as “shamelessly partisan.”
It is another example of Colbert setting his sights on the Republican Party and those lawmakers who have irreversibly hitched their wagons to Team Trump. The impeachment hearings gave Colbert the chance to go after the Republican strategy for defending President Trump as well as the disruptive tactics used to upend proceedings.
Monday night gave Colbert the opportunity to narrow his focus on just Senator McConnell and Senator Graham. The Late Show monologue was another of Colbert’s unrelenting attack on those that he sees as ignore the truth no matter the cost.
His tone may have been for comedic effect but Stephen Colbert sounds like he is genuinely asking how it is okay for Senator Mitch McConnell to coordinate with White House counsel. Senator McConnell admitted that he plans to take direction from the White House on how to proceed with an impeachment trial in the Senate. For a party that demanded fairness, Colbert is already questioning the Republican approach before the trial begins.
Colbert is just as incredulous when it comes to Senator Graham telling a crowd that he won’t even pretend to be a fair juror. The comedian lays out just what Senator Graham has at stake: lying to God to protect President Trump, a man that Graham very likely despises.
The Late Show host may not be all that surprised that Republicans are loyal to President Trump. It became clear a long time ago that many in the GOP tied their fate to Donald Trump. But what may actually shock Colbert is not the partisanship but how Republicans like Senators McConnell and Graham make no effort to hide such bias.
Stephen Colbert has been treating the impeachment like a holiday. Now Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are playing the Grinch and spoiling it all for the Late Show host. There is still a chance Colbert gets a holiday miracle but it’s looking less and less likely without a fair playing ground.