Late night television shows continue to rely on YouTube to help spread content so we look at the most popular clips from every show.
Late night television has changed immensely in just the past few years. Not only has the number of show increased but so too has the ways in which late night fans can access content.
Long gone are the days of having to catch a late night show during its live airing or maybe relying on a rerun aired somewhere else. If fans can’t, or don’t want to, stick around for a late night show that starts after 11:00 PM that doesn’t mean they can’t still watch every moment.
Network websites offer full episodes to be watched online. Following along on social media means plenty of opportunities to catch highlights or major moments. And then there is content like podcasts, online exclusives, and live shows that truly brought late night television into a new era.
The best resource available to late night shows to ensure content reaches a wider audience or goes viral is YouTube. Fans can watch and share monologues, interviews, and bits no matter where they are from. It also helps audiences relive past moments they loved or see classic clips for the first time.
Recently, Conan O’Brien marked the first video from the Team Coco YouTube channel to hit the 100 million views mark. Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with comedy and instead is a performance by the band Disturbed.
That got Last Night On curious as to what clips are the most popular on the YouTube channels of other late night shows. Try your luck at predicting what each one will be before you click through the slides and either relive a major late night moment or see it for the first time.