John Oliver exposes how legal immigration often fails to work

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver explained the legal immigration policy and what causes the system to fail.

Immigration has become perhaps the most talked about political issue in the country. President Donald Trump has pushed for some harsh policies while Democratic candidates for 2020 have proposed going in the opposite direction. Much of it has to do with illegal immigration but what about legal immigration? Last Week Tonight with John Oliver looked at that topic Sunday night.

Last Week Tonight has paid close attention to the immigration debate as it has developed. Migrants and refugee laws, immigration courts, and family separation policies have all been discussed by Oliver.

The issue hasn’t cooled down at all, to say the least. Democratic candidates for president have proposed reforms to Trump policies and practices on border security. But it is the legal immigration system that still needs reform as Oliver explained on Sunday’s Last Week Tonight.

Oliver used his own experience as an immigrant in the U.S. to call out shortcomings in the process. He also had plenty to say for Republican lawmakers and the hypocritical approach they take to immigration.

Oliver sets out to address some misconceptions about legal immigration. He also argues that the problems within the legal immigration process are partly responsible for illegal immigration. The Last Week Tonight host goes about exposing this cause-and-effect in his typical efficient and entertaining way.

Family, or “chain,” migration is a major part of the segment. President Trump has railed against the policy since his campaign began and has continued to point to it as a vehicle by which criminals illegal enter the country. In turn, Trump has been criticized by politicians and pundits as well as late night hosts for his own contradictions and misrepresentation of family migration.

Oliver draws on his own experiences to explain the challenges and stress associated with employment-based immigration. Even his “extraordinary ability” in the arts couldn’t prevent him potentially being deported.

Last Week Tonight is so good at what it does because of how well Oliver can deliver information with the right amount of humor. The often 20 minute segments fly by because they are  well-written and well researched. However, this segment on legal immigration almost gets derailed as Oliver reacts to Trump’s claim basically implying that a Bingo hopper is used to pick which immigrants are allowed in the country.

Oliver manages to recover and goes on to break down the path to immigration for refugees. It’s another system that has been made difficult by the Trump administration and filled with hypocrisy according to Oliver.

We likely have not heard the last on immigration from Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. As the 2020 campaign heats up, so too will the debate over both legal and illegal immigration. Assuming no other absurd claims about hoppers are made, fans can be sure that Oliver will be on top of it.