Seth Meyers joined the chorus of people criticizing The New York Times for its headline about President Donald Trump.
Fans know that Late Night with Seth Meyers gets a lot of material straight from the headlines. But now it is the headlines themselves that are giving Seth Meyers something to talk about on his show.
President Donald Trump addressed the nation following the mass shootings in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas. Plenty of people pointed out that Trump’s statement, calling for an end to racism, bigotry, and white nationalism, contradicted how he speaks on Twitter or on stage at a rally.
The New York Times tried to cover the press conference under the headline“Trump Urges Unity vs. Racism.” Many people criticized the headline for failing to acknowledge Trump’s role in promoting racism and that it made Trump sound committed to the message he read from a teleprompter.
We can now add Seth Meyers to the list of people who had a problem with the headline. He used his Late Night segment “Hey!” to address the New York Times directly.
The newspaper may have changed the headline for later editions but it was a case of too little, too late for Meyers. Meyers calls for the Times to follow his lead and directly and openly condemn Trump’s racism.
Typical of the “Hey!” segment, Meyers takes a lighthearted approach to criticizing the newspaper. He considers the real problem to be Trump and the inaction of Republicans, a view he expresses with much more angry humor in segments of “A Closer Look.”
Meyers uses Trump’s tweets about Fox News and attacking President Barack Obama to point out that Trump didn’t pay attention to his own words. It is well known that the Trump who stands in front of a teleprompter is not the real Trump. For Meyers, it is further proof that the New York Times headline missed the mark completely.
We will have to wait and see if The New York Times learned its lesson. We know that President Donald Trump will keep making headlines and Seth Meyers will keep making jokes about those headlines.