Bill Maher talks Iran deal and North Korea in new monologue

Real Time with Bill Maher, courtesy of HBO
Real Time with Bill Maher, courtesy of HBO

Bill Maher recapped this week’s stories in the way only he can on lst night’s Real Time, sharing his thoughts on the Iran Nuclear Deal, North Korea, and more.

“You know things are going bad when the only good news is coming out of North Korea.”

Last night on Real Time, host Bill Maher kicked off his opening monologue by getting straight to the bright side of the headlines this week. Three hostages were released by Kim Jong Un in a story Donald Trump says we’ll all be telling our grandchildren about. What Maher finds amusing is how Trump actually thanked Kim Jong Un for being “excellent” to the hostages, despite forcing them into a labor camp – or what we call “an Amazon warehouse,” jokes Maher.

The Real Time host quips that all it took to get them back was for Michael Cohen to write a check. In any case, they’re all famous now, so much so that “two of them have been #MeToo’d.” And speaking of the #MeToo movement, that leads Maher to bring up the story of Eric Schneiderman, whose shocking outing had “even the #MeToo folks saying ‘You too?!'”

Of course, Maher had to mention the news that Trump has pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Maher lists who wanted to stay in the deal, including all of our NATO allies, the majority of the American public, Trump’s former security adviser, Trump’s current security adviser, and 94% of the experts on foreign relations. Only Trump and his angry supporters seem to be the ones who want to leave. “And that’s America under Trump,” Maher laments.

You can watch the monologue in the YouTube video below.

Next: Stephen Colbert calls out Melania Trump for plagiarism

Fortunately, Season 16 of the series isn’t over just yet. Each Friday night, Maher will be back on the air to do what he does best. Be sure to tune in when Real Time with Bill Maher airs Friday nights at 10 p.m. EST on HBO.