Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on tonight, March 11th, 2018?

John Oliver via HBO
John Oliver via HBO /

Will there be an all new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver premiering tonight on HBO? We have all of the details about the show right here.

Season 5 of John Oliver’s HBO show Last Week Tonight has been amazing with every step. The show continues to roll on, and hopefully, there will be another new episode on tonight. So with that, let’s get to the reason why you are here and answer whether there will be a new episode on tonight.

Great news. Yes, there’s an all new episode premiering tonight! If you don’t want to miss what Oliver has to say after all of the crazy headlines to rock the media this week, then you are going to have to tune in tonight to HBO!

The biggest stories coming out of this past week concern Donald Trump. For one, Stormy Daniels is now suing the president, claiming the confidentiality agreement she signed about their affair is not actually valid. Kim Jong Un is also saying he’s ready to meet with Trump to discuss denuclearization. Certainly, Oliver will have something to say about both of these things.

I will also remind you all that HBO has already given Oliver a renewal lasting for many years. Through 2020, Last Week Tonight will remain on the air on the network. So confident they are in Oliver’s abilities that they are ensuring he will have a TV show for years to come. The same can also be said for Bill Maher, Oliver’s HBO colleague who has been renewed into 2020 himself.

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New episodes of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver air Sunday nights on HBO.