Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on tonight, January 14th?

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Is tonight the night John Oliver will make his triumphant return to HBO with all new episodes of the new season of Last Week Tonight? We have the info here.

Come back, John Oliver… we miss you!

It’s the new year, and many shows are coming back to the airwaves. Last night, Saturday Night Live made a splash on NBC with a new episode hosted by Golden Globe winner Sam Rockwell. So might we be lucky enough to see Last Week Tonight with John Oliver coming back to HBO as well?

Unfortunately, it’s going to be a negative on that. Oliver will be coming back with new episodes for the premiere of his fifth season of the series. But, sadly, the premiere won’t air until next month. HBO has the comeback date officially listed as Feb. 18, 2018. We’re just going to have to sit tight until then.

The silver lining here is that Oliver will be on the air for years to come, guaranteed. HBO was smart enough to renew the program through 2020, guaranteeing Olvier will stay on the air until at least the 2020 election. He’s not on tonight, but he’s definitely not going anywhere! Similarly, his HBO colleague Bill Maher picked up a multi-year renewal for Real Time as well.

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New episodes of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver resume on Feb. 18, 2018 on HBO. Are you pumped for the return of the Emmy-winning funnyman? Let us hear about it in the comments below.