Stephen Colbert went on The Late Show last night to speak about just how bad sexual harassment allegations in Washington have gotten.
Lately, it really seems like the barrage of sexual misconduct allegations to hit the headlines is overwhelming. Pretty much every single day, new accusations are brought to light, affecting famous people of all types — even lawmakers in Washington. And though Stephen Colbert is on the air every weeknight, even he can’t keep up with it all.
Last night on The Late Show, Colbert brought up the neverending allegations. He talks about how they’re so bad they’ve reached Washington D.C., resulting in Congress moving forward with mandatory sexual harassment training. “That’s great, but you might wanna throw an ‘anti’ in there,” Colbert suggests.
Colbert then reveals how several lawmakers in D.C. have complained about being harassed in awful ways, even sometimes right there on the House floor. It’s been said that there is both a Republican and a Democrat that are actively in Congress, whom have not been investigated for their actions.
The funnyman then claims that female lawmakers have had a “creep list” for a long time. That is, a list of names in Washington of people women should avoid at all costs. They’ve also come up with certain rules to follow for safety, such as avoiding ever being alone with a Congressman and to be leery of the ones who sleep in their offices. “So don’t go to parties, elevators, or work,” Colbert jokes.
You can watch the bit in the YouTube video below.
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Watch new episodes of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35 PM EST on CBS.