Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on tonight, November 5th?

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via HBO

Will there be a new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver premiering on HBO tonight at the usual time? We’ve got all the info about the show here.

It’s Sunday today, and you are no doubt thinking, “Please tell me there is a new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver premiering tonight.” Hold your horses, because I’ve got some great news. And that great news is that, yes, there is in fact an all new episode of the show on tonight!

As Season 4 of Last Week Tonight starts winding down, we need to really appreciate the final episodes of the year. Unfortunately, there are only two left, including the one tonight! After tonight, there will only remain one more episode for the year. The season finale will air next week on Nov. 12.

Of course, HBO has already renewed the program through 2020, meaning Oliver is sticking around for a while. While we have to wait until Season 5 to get here, we can take some comfort in knowing that the show is not ending anytime soon.

Last week, Oliver took on flood insurance as his primary topic, hitting on some other hot button issues too. There’s never a shortage for things for him to talk about and we will have to see what he hits tonight.

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So, yes, there is an all new episode of the show premiering tonight. Then we’ve got the season finale next week, but after then, it will be 2018 before we see more new episodes.