After Donald Trump held a press conference, Stephen Colbert took a look at the footage and said he says he looks like an angry old man yelling on his lawn.
You know that stereotype about the angry, old geezer yelling, “You damn kids!” at the neighborhood children passing by his front lawn? Stephen Colbert says Donald Trump is that guy!
Last night, Colbert brought along some footage of Trump’s latest press conference to The Late Show. At the “impromptu press yelling”, Trump used the opportunity to yell about the things he’s been getting blasted for in the media lately. And Colbert was right there to take the president right back down off of his high horse.
First, Colbert brings up the three Republican Senators that have claimed Trump is unfit for office. Of course, Colbert brings up the fact that everyone else has been saying the same thing since the start. But, although they’re late (Colbert jokes they just found out about “Gangnam Style” as well), they have finally arrived to the party to recognize this about the POTUS as well.
That brings Trump on the defensive at the press conference, saying he’s had nothing but a “love fest” with his fellow Republicans. Colbert notes that Trump then went on to brag about how the Senate Republicans all gave him a standing ovation when he came into the room. “Don’t you get it? You’re the president! They have to stand up when you walk into the room!” Colbert explains. For comparison, he imagines Trump as saying, “My proctologist loves me so much, he stuck his finger right up my butt.”
You can watch the monologue in the YouTube video below.
Next: Kid Rock calls NY Times gay, Colbert responds
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