Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on tonight, September 3rd?

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Is there going to be an all new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver premiering on HBO tonight? We’ve got the info for you right here.

It’s Sunday, and if you are a fan of John Oliver, you’re hoping there will be a new episode of Last Week Tonight coming on tonight. So, let’s get right to it… will there be?

Unfortunately, that answer is no, there’s no new episode coming on tonight. Season 4 of Oliver’s compelling HBO series is still ongoing, meaning there’s new content still on the way. But for tonight, Oliver is taking the night off.

The good news is that the hiatus is only going to last for another week. Oliver is returning to HBO with new episodes of Last Week Tonight beginning on Sep. 10. Season 4 of the show will conclude with a finale next month on Oct. 15. Once the season concludes, the break he will be taking will be much longer, but let’s not think about that now!

It’s always hard to speculate exactly what Oliver is going to focus on in the show. Certainly he’ll touch on the biggest news of the week (namely, the most recent blunders by President Trump). But he likes to shine a lot on the unspoken issues as well.

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Our quick recap of what we discussed above is that John Oliver will not be on TV with a new episode tonight. But he will be back next week, so be sure to tune in then!