4. Ygritte (Season 4, Episode 9)
Long before Jon Snow would meet Daenerys, his future love (we all know that’s where this is going), he had made a girlfriend out of a wildling. Longtime fans of the show no doubt remember Ygritte fondly. If not so much for the way she would challenge Jon and make him question everything, but for popularizing the one-liner, “You know nothing, Jon Snow.”
Though Jon was a virgin and had sworn to be celibate, he allure of Ygritte was too much for him. Despite him being a Night’s Watchman and Ygritte being a wildling, the two found a romantic connection with one another, and it even resulted in Jon losing his virginity to her in a cave. In that moment, Ygritte revealed she wished they could stay in there forever, never going back to the death and war outside.
That’s not what happened, and at the Battle of Castle Black, they wound up on opposite sides of a war. Ygritte had Jon in her sights, but hesitated to shoot him, thus giving Olly a chance to impale her from behind. As she lay dying, Jon cradled her in his arms, and she reminded him of their chat in the cave, saying they should have stayed. When Jon suggests they can return together, she utters that famous line — “You know nothing, Jon Snow…” — and dies.