‘Jeff Sessions’ returns to Colbert to blast Donald Trump

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With Donald Trump publicly trashing Jeff Sessions in the press, the Attorney General returned to The Late Show in cookie form to give a rebuttal.

Don’t mess with Keebler!

Lately, there’s been a lot of trouble brewing over in Donald Trump’s White House. Press secretary Sean Spicer finally stepped down, and it looks like Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be soon to follow. Trump has been going off on Sessions in media interviews, condemning him for “recusing himself” from the Russia investigation.

During his monologue on last night’s The Late Show, host Stephen Colbert spoke about the troubles between Trump and Sessions. Colbert brings up the reports from friends of Sessions saying he is “totally pissed” about what’s going on. So to give the little guy a venue to give a response to Trump, Colbert brought Sessions back onto the show… in cookie form!

A short while back, Colbert had brought “Sessions” onto the show, in the form of a Keebler cookie. What better time to bring Cookie Sessions back than when he’s apparently on his way out the door. So in his second appearance, “Cookie Jeff Sessions” offers his rebuttal to the bashing from the president.

“Mr. President, have you no sense of decency, sir?” Colbert says, voicing the Sessions cookie. He goes on, “If you are going to disparage my good reputation, at least have the courtesy to do so to my face… at my enchanted tree!”

You can watch the bit in the YouTube video below.

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