Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on tonight, July 23rd?

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It’s another Sunday, and you’re probably asking yourself if there’s a new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on tonight. We have the answer!

Might we be seeing an all new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver premiering on HBO tonight? After all, it is Sunday, and his current season of the show is not over yet!

Be that as it may, however, I’ve got some unfortunate news to give you. Oliver is on a brief hiatus from the show, and is still off the air tonight. So the answer is NO, there won’t be any new Last Week Tonight playing tonight, as sad as that is to say!

But don’t be too upset, because Oliver is returning as soon as NEXT week! On the night of July 30th, Oliver will be back with an all new episode of the show. He’s going to have some catching up to do with all of this nonsense that’s been unfolding during his hiatus. But I don’t think he’ll have any problems coming up with the material to cover it all.

We’ll have to see what Oliver has to say about all of this when he does finally return. We can sure use his insight, that’s for sure.

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So let’s reiterate everything I laid out above. Oliver won’t be back tonight for a new episode of Last Week Tonight. However, he will be back in action next week on July 30th, so be sure to tune in then!