Stephen Colbert says he’s running for president in 2020

Credit: CBS
Credit: CBS

The Late Show host Stephen Colbert appeared on Russian television yesterday for an interview and jokingly suggested he would run for president in 2020.

Stephen Colbert for president? Yes please!!

Yesterday, The Late Show‘s Stephen Colbert came onto Russia’s Channel 1 program Evening Urgant. Speaking with host Ivan Urgant, the two engaged in a very entertaining interview, which is partially English and partially in Russian.

On the program, Colbert played a drinking game with Urgant, taking shots of some of the finest Russian vodka. Of course, he would be remiss if he didn’t take any additional shots at Donald Trump (see what I did, there?). Lifting his first glass, Colbert jokes that he has “no idea why no members of the Trump administration can remember meeting” the Russian people.

Soon after, a slightly tipsy Colbert then says he has an announcement to make. Before making a toast for both a stronger America and a stronger Russia, Colbert delivers this statement:

"“I am here to announce that I am considering a run for president in 2020, and I thought it would be better to cut out the middle man and just tell the Russians myself. If anyone would like to work on my campaign in an unofficial capacity, please, just come let me know!”"

Of course, Colbert may or may not be feeling the effects of the vodka. Still, he may be onto something here! You can watch the announcement yourself in the video below.

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If only we could be so lucky as to have Stephen Colbert as the President of the United States. I say why not? Obviously, the Republicans think it’s okay to elect TV stars with no political background. That’s not so much different here — except for, of course, the fact that Colbert isn’t a complete moron.