After learning about Sean Spicer stepping down from his position, Stephen Colbert took to the late show to mock him relentlessly for it.
No more Sean Spicer?! What are we going to do?
Last night on Stephen Colbert’s Late Show monologue, Colbert took aim at White House press secretary Sean Spicer. The Spice man recently held a press meeting in which he banned all recordings, both video and audio. To explain this, Spicer claimed that “there are days where we decide that the president’s voice should be the one who speaks for the administration.”
“Your whole job is speaking for the administration!” Colbert points out. As it turns out, there may be another reason for the camera ban, according to Steve Bannon — Bannon claimed in a text message simply that “Sean got fatter.” As Colbert jokes, that is especially offensive coming from a guy that looks like he’s either got “the meat sweats, or is sweaty meat.”
To make matters worse, Colbert brings up the reports that Spicer is on his way out as press secretary. Colbert feigns shock at first, saying, “Sean, I have so many questions. If you go, who will not answer them?” The Late Show host keeps the gag going further, with his studio audience even getting in on it. After sarcastically saying that the people loved Spicer, those in the crowd actually began to chant his name.
You can watch Colbert’s take down of Spicer in the video below.
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Spicer is far too easy to make fun of, so in a way, I’m going to miss having him around. Does this mean no more Melissa McCarthy as Spicer on SNL? In any case, Colbert will be there to comment whenever an official replacement is found.
Catch Colbert weeknights at 11:35 p.m. EST on CBS!