John Oliver reveals Donald Trump lies about coal industry

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On the new episode of Last Week Tonight, John Oliver spoke about the coal industry and Donald Trump’s false promises to its workers.

Once again, John Oliver exposes even more of President Donald Trump’s lies!

On last night’s Last Week Tonight on HBO, Oliver took aim at Trump’s ignorance about the coal industry. Despite how the president might put on a cute little hardhat and mime shoveling coal, he truly doesn’t know a damn thing about the job. And John Oliver spends an entire segment proving as much on the HBO show.

Although Trump and others like to blame Barack Obama for the decline of the coal industry, they can’t. The industry has been actually declining rapidly for decades. Obama’s regulations didn’t have as much to do with furthering the decline — Oliver cites other factors such as declining natural gas prices, and the rise of renewable energy sources. As with many other industries, coal miners are also being replaced by automatons.

The deeper Oliver looks into what’s really going on, the sadder it gets. To make a long story short, don’t believe the lies Trump tells you about the coal mining industry. Hear it best from Oliver himself by watching the entire take down in the YouTube video below.

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We are over 100 episodes into Last Week Tonight, yet it feels like John Oliver is still just getting started. There are still plenty of episodes left to go for Season 4, so be sure to tune in! The show airs Sunday nights on HBO.