The Tonight Show’s Jimmy Fallon debuts his 70s porn star mustache

Credit: NBC
Credit: NBC

Jimmy Fallon debuted a new look for himself on The Tonight Show, and the comedian now heavily resembles a 1970s era male porn star.

Is that Magnum PI I’m seeing on The Tonight Show these days?

Alright, I’m sorry for that lame dad joke. Give me a break. It’s Father’s Day, after all. I’m allowed to have at least one. But, I digress. I didn’t write this article to discuss my lame sense of humor. Rather, this post is about the peculiar new look Jimmy Fallon debuted for himself on NBC’s The Tonight Show.

In recent weeks, Fallon had grown out a beard, with the intention all along to prepare for a mustache. In fact, during the commercial break for a recent episode, Fallon actually had a barber shave off the beard. Leaving only the mustache, Jimmy now seems to have a lot in common with 70s porn actor John Holmes. From the chin up, anyway.

With Fallon having had the same clean-cut image for so many years, it’s weird to see him with facial hair. That beard he had been growing looked odd on him and I never quite got used to it. This mustache he’s got now is even weirder.

If you want to see Fallon in action with the rockin’ new ‘stache, you can watch him deliver his newest “Thank You Notes” in the video below.

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Is Jimmy’s new look enough to bump his ratings back up above Colbert’s? That remains to be seen. In any case, you can watch new episodes of The Tonight Show weeknights at 11:35 pm EST on NBC.