Bill Maher took to Real Time last night to verbally destroy Donald Trump for all of the president’s most embarrassing blunders this week.
I’m sure President Trump feels humiliated enough after a particularly disastrous week. So if you’re friends with him, you might want to do him a favor and not mention Bill Maher’s latest Real Time monologue.
Last night on Maher’s HBO show, the comedian spent his entire opening monologue verbally butchering Donald Trump. As mentioned, this has been an especially embarrassing week for the Trumpster. Maher probably didn’t even know where to begin, but he picked a spot and starting tearing in.
Maher begins by talking about the reports of President Trump potentially being charged with obstruction of justice. Despite Fox News vehemently trying to debunk the story, Trump confirmed it himself on Twitter. Amazed at how Trump reveals the details of his own scandls, Maher jokes that it’s “like Watergate if Deepthroat was Nixon.”
The Real Time host then speaks about Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. Apparently, the guy has already hired 13 lawyers to aid in the investigation. “He is so far up Trump’s ass, he had to ask Putin to scoot over,” Maher jokes.
Maher’s massacre continues for several more minutes, with Trump on the receiving end of many more verbal jabs. It’s brutally hysterical the entire way through, and whatever you’re doing, you need to stop to check it out immediately. He hits everything from the Comey situation to Melania Trump moving into the White House.
You can watch the full Real Time monologue in the YouTube video below.
Next: Chelsea offers Father's Day advice to Ivanka Trump
Bill Maher is nearing the end of the 15th season of his HBO program. However, he’s still got a few episodes left to go. Be sure to catch the show Friday nights on HBO at 10 p.m. EST.