Bill Maher gives his take on Trump’s Covfefe typo

Credit: HBO
Credit: HBO

Donald Trump has been getting ridiculed relentlessly since accidentally tweeting the made-up word ‘Covfefe’, and now it’s Bill Maher’s turn to poke fun.

You’ll never hear the president admit to any of his regrets. That’s why he refused to even confess that his “covfefe” Twitter blunder was just a typo. But the tweet has to be rather embarrassing for him, as practically the entire world has been laughing at him for it. Again, while he’ll never own up to it, we all know this has to be driving the president insane.

We’ve seen other comedians giving their thoughts on this covfefe thing. With Real Time only being on once a week, however, Bill Maher had to wait for his turn to get in on it. But with it being the big, orange elephant in the room, Maher spoke directly about it in last night’s monologue.

After briefly explaining the tweet, Maher laughs about how ridiculous it sounds. He compares it to something you’d hear in an ad for an assisted living home. Maher jokes that after hearing their father that word, the grown-up children would say, “That’s when we knew Dad could no longer live on his own.”

Maher goes on to address the defense that the word is just a typo, and no big deal at all. To that, Maher confesses that the last thing he wants to hear from Trump’s White House is, “his fingers just pressed the wrong button.” In President Trump’s position, that kind of simple blunder could end up having disastrous consequences.

You can watch the monologue in the YouTube video below.

Next: Bill Maher calls on soft democrats to toughen up

Bill Maher isn’t through with the show’s 15th season just yet, either. Continue to catch him in new episodes of Real Time with Bill Maher, Friday nights on HBO at 10 p.m. EST.