Catching wind of White House staffers attempting a “Twitter Intervention” with Donald Trump, Stephen Colbert staged his own on The Late Show.
One of President Donald Trump’s biggest problems is his inability to stop tweeting. No matter what kind of scandal Trump winds up falling into, he’s bound to rant on Twitter about it. The issue for him is that ten times out of ten, he always just ends up burying himself even more.
Trump’s Twitter meltdowns don’t make his administration look any better. Knowing this, White House aides have organized a Twitter intervention to coax the president into giving up tweeting. But it’s like taking candy from Superman as a baby — it’s just not going to happen.
Colbert caught wind of this intervention, bringing it up on The Late Show last night. He then brings up how aides are at the point of starting to fear for their jobs. One is quoted as saying that Trump is prone to mood swings where he wants to “blow everything up”.
“If he goes through moods where he wants to blow everything up, maybe it’s not Twitter you should be taking away from him,” Colbert quips.
The Late Show host then says how because the intervention was for White House staffers only, he would have to do his own intervention. With that, he pulls out a letter personally written to Trump in response to his tweeting. “Your tweeting has affected me in the following ways,” Colbert begins, starting with a blunt, “My ratings are up.”
You can watch Stephen’s Twitter-vention for yourself below.
Next: God stopped by the Late Show again to bash Trump
I don’t see Trump giving up the Twitter account anytime soon. But if he only wants to make it easier for all of us to make fun of him, then by all means, Mr. President, keep tweeting.