Stephen Colbert declares victory over Donald Trump

Credit: CBS
Credit: CBS

Donald Trump made headlines with a recent rant against Stephen Colbert, but Colbert says this is exactly what he’s been hoping for.

If you missed it in the news, Donald Trump recently went on a tirade against people he hates in the media. Our beloved Stephen Colbert took the brunt of the rant, with Trump calling him “filthy” and a “no-talent guy”. Many of us couldn’t wait to hear Colbert’s response, and on last night’s Late Show, he absolutely delivered!

“Don’t you know I’ve been trying for a year to get you to say my name?” Colbert directly tells the president. This quickly becomes a celebration for the Late Show host who’s seeing this as a victory over the POTUS. Indeed, while Trump is infamous for blasting all of his enemies on Twitter, he’s been remaining quiet about Colbert.

By finally caving in and exploding in a flurry of insults, Trump is only giving Colbert exactly what he wanted. “You were very restrained, admirably restrained, but now you did it,” Colbert says before looking at the camera to directly tell Trump this: I won.

Colbert then addresses Trump’s remark about him being a “filthy” comedian. For his part, Colbert owns up to it, saying “I do occasionally use adult language, and I do it in public… instead of in the privacy of an Access Hollywood bus.” It seems President Crotch-grabber doesn’t have room to talk.

Trump’s highly-rated appearance on Colbert’s show is also responded to. While it’s true that Trump did pull in high ratings, guess who drew even more? Jeb Bush. “That’s right, you got beat by Low Energy Jeb,” Colbert points out, which is sure to enrage the egocentric president.

Watch Colbert’s entire response in the video below.

Next: Seth Meyers blasts Trump's flip-flopping on Comey

Because Trump is crediting himself for Colbert’s success, then he should know there’s an easy way to kick the Late Show host off the air. “If you really want to take me down, there’s an obvious way,” Colbert suggests.
