News of Bill O’Reilly’s termination as a Fox News television personality has just been made official, and Trevor Noah is already roasting him for it.
It would seem the left is having a pretty good week. Far-right conservative wingnut Alex Jones has been outed by his own lawyer as a total fraud. Bill O’Reilly had also been sent on a vacation in the midst of sexual harassment allegations. Now, news has officially broken that O’Reilly has been terminated by the network.
While O’Reilly probably hasn’t even had a chance to put down his pink slip yet, Trevor Noah is already having some fun with it. Hours ahead of tonight’s next airing of the show, Noah took to The Daily Show‘s Twitter to throw some shade at Bill.
Noah’s first shots about O’Reilly’s dismissal come in the form of a 38 second video. The Daily Show host pretends to stumble on his lines. He gets angry about it before dropping some f-bombs and yelling that he’ll do it live. If the video seems familiar, it’s because Noah is mocking an infamous leaked clip of O’Reilly doing the exact same thing before a show.
You can view the video in the embedded tweet below. Just be wary of the foul language if that kind of thing upsets you — there’s no censorship here.
Tonight on The Daily Show, fuck it, we'll do it live. #fuckingthingsucks
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) April 19, 2017
This is certainly just going to be the first of a wave of jokes about O’Reilly getting the boot. Expect every other late night comedian to follow suit. I’m sure it’s going to be a fun week for them, because they’ve surely been waiting many years for this.