Chelsea Handler stopped by Conan on Monday night and, in addition to calling Sean Spicer a baked potato, and laid out her beef with Ivanka Trump.
Chelsea Handler is not an Ivanka Trump fan, a point Conan O’Brien was quick to bring up when she stopped by his late night show. When asked why, Handler’s answer was simple: “She’s in that family.”
More specifically, that she’s in that family and she has yet to distance herself from her father in anyway. Handler once said back in October that were Ivanka to denounce Trump, she would be “a national hero.” In January, she called her a puppet. Handler even engaged in a petty shopping spree at Ivanka’s expense, sharing pictures of a Nordstrom’s haul after the retailer dropped Ivanka Trump’s line. Which is to say, this isn’t new and Handler laid out her demand (dream?) long ago.
See Handler explain her Ivanka beef at the 2:00 mark below. Or, watch from the start and catch her Sean Spicer theory.
Handler also has a personal take on the matter and that’s where the conversation predictably and amusingly gets off course. Handler, you see, would never her father run for president, knowing what she knows. Adding, “my father is not even half as bad as Donald Trump.”
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Other nice things Handler has to say about her father, who is in his eighties, include “he’s still alive,” but also observing that, she “really hopes” she doesn’t make it to 86 because “it’s a long haul.”
Dad jokes aside, a long haul is a good way to describe dealing with any of Trumps these day, but luckily we have the likes of Handler to keep things funny.