Seth Meyers talks Trump, FOX News and Bill O’Reilly

Late Night with Seth Meyers took some time with A Closer Look to talk about President Donald Trump’s relationship with FOX News and Bill O’Reilly.

There isn’t another news outlet that President Donald Trump enjoys more than FOX News, the conservative-leaning network. The relationship has gotten to the point where it’s gotten a little over the top, and some of the late night talk shows are starting to call the President out on it.

On Wednesday night, the NBC series Late Night with Seth Meyers brought out its popular segment of A Closer Look to break down President Trump’s relationship with FOX News. Trump has consistently tweeted out promos encouraging the American people to watch FOX News programs, especially when it comes to shows like FOX and Friends.

While Trump continues to call most mainstream media “fake news”, he has had FOX and Friends tour the White House with him. Meanwhile, the President has voiced his support for Bill O’Reilly after recent reports that the FOX News anchor has settled lawsuits with five women over sexual harassment claims.

You can watch the entire segment from Wednesday night’s episode of Late Night in the YouTube video below.

Considering this is supposed to be Sexual Harassment Awareness Month, it is too bad that President Trump is openly supporting a man who has settled multiple sexual harassment claims. There’s a chance O’Reilly might not be on the air much longer, however, because over 20 companies have pulled their advertisements from The O’Reilly Factor.

Next: Most Shocking Late Night Scandals

As for Late Night, you have to give Meyers and his staff some serious credit for this segment that called out Trump and his uncomfortable relationship with FOX News.