30 most controversial Bill Maher moments

Real Time with Bill Maher - courtesy of HBO
Real Time with Bill Maher - courtesy of HBO
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17. Maher gets ahold of a joke Spike TV had censored

There are many things Bill Maher is clearly not a big fan of, with one of those being censorship. Whether it is for his own viewpoints, or even the comments of someone else, Maher doesn’t like to see things being censored. Especially when doing so is just so unnecessary.

Maher takes this head on during a segment on Real Time, going in depth about a censored joke. In particular, a joke Clint Eastwood had told during the Guys Choice Awards on Spike TV was cut by the network. Although he doesn’t have footage, Maher reveals that the joke is about Caitlyn Jenner. Eastwood jokes that Dwayne Johnson isn’t the first athlete to get into acting, adding that “Caitlyn Somebody” is now doing the same thing.

Maher suggests that merely using these kinds of words are not prejudiced. They’re just words, and this wasn’t actually insulting to Caitlyn Jenner. He mentions how comedians like Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock have been complaining about how crowds are growing more sensitive about the types of jokes they can say on stage anymore. And this is exactly the kind of thing those comics are talking about.