Seth Meyers talks about Trump, wiretapping and health care on Late Night

Late Night with Seth Meyers used Monday night’s episode to talk about President Donald Trump, his wiretapping claims and the AHCA.

The popular NBC late night talk show Late Night with Seth Meyers took last week off. Fortunately for fans of the show, Seth Meyers and his staff came back and were firing on all cylinders on Monday night.

During Monday night’s episode of Late Night, Meyers and his staff put together a segment of A Closer Look that focused on President Donald Trump’s claims about Barack Obama illegally wiretapping the Trump Tower and the new American Health Care Act that republicans are trying to replace the Affordable Care Act with.

The segment started by talking about the great lengths that the Trump administration has to go to in order to defend the President’s accusations. Kellyanne Conway even claimed that microwaves could turn into cameras to potentially spy on people, then quickly retracted her statement in a later media appearance.

You can watch the entire segment from Late Night in the YouTube video below.

Monday night’s segment of A Closer Look also talked about the widespread criticism for the AHCA, or what some people are calling Trumpcare. Many are upset with the President for not fulfilling his promises in the health care bill, and yet Trump and Republicans are doing whatever they can to try and get the bill passed.

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Regardless of what happens with the AHCA and Trump’s claims about wiretapping, late night talk shows like Late Night will be around to continue trolling the hell out of the President.