Melissa McCarthy returns to troll the hell out of Sean Spicer on SNL


Alec Baldwin stopped by Saturday Night Live this weekend but Melissa McCarthy stole the show as Press Secretary Sean Spicer again.

This weekend’s edition of Saturday Night Live featured Alec Baldwin not only playing the role of president Donald Trump but as host. It was a historic 17th time hosting for Baldwin, but while he’s been a part of more than a few memorable skits over the years, he of course had to reprise his iconic role as Trump tonight.

That’s the way the show started, as has been the case for the entire season. Baldwin hasn’t always been present in the cold opens for SNL, but since he was for sure going to be around Studio 8H tonight, what better way than to roll out Trump. It’s not like there has been a shortage of things to make fun of in the first month of Trump’s presidency and SNL has made it their business to ether him on a weekly basis.

But one of the biggest perks of this season began last week with Melissa McCarthy portraying Sean Spicer. It was such a smash hit that the show kicked things off with McCarthy reprising the role.

If you thought last week was solid, this week’s cold open was even better. The visual aids made a return but the podium gag saw an upgrade. Where McCarthy had to lift it up last week, this week featured the podium on a Segway.

You can watch the entire cold open in the YouTube video below.

Next: 30 Shocking Late Night Scandals

SNL has seen a surge this year thanks to the cast finally coming into its own but also because of it’s relentlessness to attack Trump. Here’s to hoping that there is plenty more Melissa McCarthy in our future, as she’s the biggest star of this season and has only appeared in two episodes — something that will surely change throughout the year.