Seth Meyers discusses Democrats opposing Trump on A Closer Look

Late Night with Seth Meyers broke down how Democrats plan on responding to President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday night’s A Closer Look.

Late night talk shows aren’t the only ones going after President Donald Trump and his administration. As Late Night with Seth Meyers points out, even Democrats are trying to point out what’s wrong with the new President.

During Wednesday night’s episode of Late Night, the popular NBC late night talk show brought out its incredibly popular segment “A Closer Look” to discuss how Democrats are responding to Trump and his actions. The segment specifically pointed out senator Elizabeth Warren and Nancy Pelosi.

Probably the best part of the segment on Wednesday night was the recent article from The New York Times talking about how Trump would wander around the White House while wearing a bath robe. White House press secretary Sean Spicer was immediately called upon to refute these claims.

You can watch the entire segment of A Closer Look from Wednesday night’s episode of Late Night in the YouTube video below.

After making fun of “Bathrobe Gate”, Meyers turned back to the Democrats and how they’re handling Trump’s administration repealing a number of acts that were put into place under Barack Obama’s time in office.

Democrats were nearly able to avoid the confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, but a 50-50 split in the Senate led to vice president Mike Pence breaking the tie. Meanwhile, Warren was interrupted on the floor while reading a letter from Coretta Scott King that condemned Attorney General Jeff Sessions decades ago.

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There is plenty going on in the federal government right now, and Democrats are doing whatever they can do slow Trump’s administration down. Meanwhile, Late Night is going to keep shedding light on these events with a humorous angle.