Kimmel compares Trump picking Supreme Court judge to The Bachelor

After Donald Trump announced his Supreme Court nomination on national television, Jimmy Kimmel compared it to an episode of The Bachelor.

It has been a very eventful first couple of weeks for president Donald Trump, and the late night talk shows have been making as many jokes as possible about him. Regardless of what decisions Trump is making, shows like Jimmy Kimmel Live! are going to keep coming up with jokes.

On Tuesday night, Trump announced his nomination for Supreme Court Justice on national television. Trump selected Neil Gorsuch as his nominee, and did so by teasing the announcement on Twitter before making it official to the world.

Kimmel pointed out how unprecedented it is to have an announcement like this take priority over an episode of NCIS. He also said that it felt an awful lot like an episode of The Bachelor with Trump bringing two nominees to the announcement before selecting one of them.

Jimmy Kimmel Live! also produced a sketch by pulling footage from an old episode of Celebrity Apprentice featuring Lil’ Jon and Meatloaf while photoshopping Gorsuch into the scene. You can watch the entire segment in the YouTube video below.

Next: Most Shocking Late Night Scandals

There is bound to be plenty of debate over the new Supreme Court Justice nominee, but late night talk shows like Jimmy Kimmel Live! are just here for the jokes. Kimmel, and plenty of others, probably feel bad for the other SCOTUS nominee who traveled all the way from Pittsburgh only to be told that we wouldn’t be the new Justice.