7. John Oliver blasts greedy, money-hungry televangelists
So many televangelists in America have already been exposed for exploiting faith for monetary gain. Despite this, televangelists are still going strong. You can argue that it’s even gotten worse, with one pastor convincing his followers that God wanted them to buy him a $65 million private jet. Somehow, I’m not sure Jesus would approve.
And he’s far from the only one. Many other successful televangelists have bought their own private plans using donated funds, even bragging about it in some cases. In what can only be described as brainwashing, they like to convince the faithful that their donations are “seeds” which will later result in their own “harvest” of wealth.
Last Week Tonight really exposed just how obvious these people can be with their greed. Televangelist Mike Murdock was shown in a clip telling those with deep credit card debt should donate $1,000 to the church. This would plant the “seed” for God to later wipe out the rest of their debts.
Unfortunately, it gets even sicker. John Oliver talks about how these predators will even prey upon cancer patients, convincing them to donate their money instead of spending it on treatment. The horrifying lengths these people will go apparently knows no boundaries.
Next: 6. Doping